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The Right Thing · SupplyCompass

Musings on Innovation, Sustainability and Systems Thinking in fashion from our Co-Founder’s Desk

Nov 1

In agility, there’s a real emphasis on co-creation, on a cycle of continuous improvement, production and distribution with regular reflections on how to be better by constant fine-tuning and adjusting. Brands and supply chains being agile will, no doubt, be the most successful — and sustainable — organisations of the future.

Oct 4

Behavioural design is a powerful tool to shape decision-making, processes, experiences and results. In the fashion industry where the status quo has been untouched for too long, designing technology to help people do the right thing for both themselves and others, will go a long way in creating meaningful systems-wide change.

Aug 23

The secret to good collaboration? It’s deeply human. It’s not just the right mindset but also space and time to allow creativity and problem-solving to flourish.

Aug 11

Systems are complicated. But for survival, it’s crucial we understand them. I’m not saying I get it all, systems thinking is pretty complicated and hard to get your head around.  But, this is where I’m at currently….

Jul 30
4 minutes

How do you navigate the path towards sustainability when you need to juggle vast amounts of information as well as people spread around the globe? We suggest a three-phase approach that balances short-term goals with long term visions and is fair, inclusive, holistic and hyper-conscious of the role brands play in the convoluted fashion system.

Jul 30
4 minutes

Collaborative Production is a term we often use at SupplyCompass for several reasons. We explain why this mode of working goes far beyond the traditional model, by stressing communication and workflows that produce the most efficient, sustainable results for everyone involved.